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Letter to President George W. Bush

Appointment of FCC Chief Who Will Serve Public Interest

To: George W. Bush, President of the United States
Date: 26 January 2005

Dear Mr. President:

Media is the lifeblood of our democracy. It must be diverse, independent and competitive. I call on you, Mr. President, to appoint a chairperson who staunchly promotes those values.

Joyce Thomas

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Please do all you can to see that the appointment of the FCC chairperson is someone who will defend the public interest and promote a more democratic media system.

Congress created the FCC in 1934 with a mandate to serve the public interest.

The public has made its wishes clear: stop further media consolidation, enforce public interest obligations, increase the diversity of voices in the media, and create policies that will encourage protect independant providers and assure universal, low-cost access to the Internet.